"Thank you for your enquiry dated 06/12/12 regarding the issue of certain vehicles travelling the wrong way along Sherriff Road, even though the “no entry” signs are in place. A Design Engineer in my team has investigated this junction and has agreed with your suggestion of adding arrows on the road indicating left and right turning lanes from Sherriff Road into West End Lane. This should make drivers aware that the road is one way out of the Sherriff Road. In addition, one of the “no entry” sign needs to be turned slightly so that it is visible to drivers approaching from either direction along West End Lane.Following up a suggestion from a local resident I received a message from a Camden Council highway engineer to day.
The above measures have been drawn up and passed to our Engineering Service to be implemented. I hope once the additional arrows are in place drivers will be more aware that the road is one way hence compliance will increase. Please do let me know if this is still an issue once the works are completed."
Let's hope this does the trick to make this junction safer.