Monday 18 February 2013

Update on West End Lane Roadworks

I've just been getting an update on the roadworks/repairs in West End Lane from Camden's Head of Engineering.

He's told me that Thames Water are hoping to finish the repair and resurfacing work on both the mains burst by West Hampstead tube station and the new one further down West End Lane by Cleve Road by the end of today. But he's waiting for confirmation of that and will let me know when he gets an update.

The background to these mains bursts is that  West End Lane hasn't yet had the benefit of Thames Water's programme of replacing old cast iron Victorian mains, which are prone to bursts. The rash of bursts in West Hamsptead in recent days means we'll get moved up the priority list - which will of course mean more disruption when the Victorian mains replacement work is done here, but it will mean less problems in the long run.

Meanwhile Camden put its own resurfacing work further up West End Lane on hold at the weekend, as otherwise it would have been impossible to turn right into Iverson Road. I'm waiting for an update on when that will start again.

I should also mention for those of you who've asked me about the new super-high kerbs on West End Lane on the stretch opposite the Alice House that when the road surface is relaid there it will be raised, so that the kerbs will then be the normal height again.

Watch this space for further updates!

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